Python Generator DSLs

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Python generators have a curious ability to both to yield values from generators (suspending computation), and receive values from a yield, which is far less known. This is equivalent to Kotlin's coroutines and allows using them for DSLs.

1. Python Generators

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If you are reading this, you presumably know about generator syntax in Python:

def go():
    yield 1
    yield 2
    yield 3

for x in go():
    print(x) # Prints 1, 2, 3 on separate lines
print([x for x in go()]) # Prints [1, 2, 3]

What is less known is how to "drive" a generator manually:

# Equivalent to
#   for x in go(): print(x)
# loop.
generator = go()
while True:
        yielded = generator.__next__()
        print(yielded) # Prints 1, 2, 3 on separate lines
    except StopIteration as ex:

That generators can return values:

def go():
    yield 1
    yield 2
    yield 3
    return 4

# Has NO equivalent in terms of loops.
generator = go()
while True:
        yielded = generator.__next__()
        print(yielded) # Prints 1, 2, 3 on separate lines
    except StopIteration as ex:
        print('Result:', ex.value) # Prints "Result: 4"

And that generators can actually accept values as "results" of yields:

def go():
    x = yield 1
    y = yield x
    z = yield y
    return z

# Has NO equivalent in terms of loops.
generator = go()
first_value = False
yield_result = None
while True:
        if first_value:
            yielded = generator.__next__()
            yielded = generator.send(yield_result)

        print(yielded) # Prints 1, 2, 3 on separate lines
        # Return yielded + 1 to the generator.
        yield_result = yielded + 1
    except StopIteration as ex:
        print('Result:', ex.value) # Prints "Result: 4"

In fact, we can simplify our loop a bit since the initial __next__() call can be replaced with send(None),

# Has NO equivalent in terms of loops.
generator = go()
yield_result = None
while True:
        yielded = generator.send(yield_result)
        print(yielded) # Prints 1, 2, 3 on separate lines
        # Return yielded + 1 to the generator.
        yield_result = yielded + 1
    except StopIteration as ex:
        print('Result:', ex.value) # Prints "Result: 4"

2. Monadic DSLs

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Using a combination of an ad-hoc algebraic data type and generator constructs, we can make a simple monadic DSL:

Log = namedtuple('Log', 'message')
GetTime = namedtuple('GetTime', '')

def go():
    for i in range(10):
        t = yield GetTime()
        yield Log(f'{i} -> {t}')

Now we need some way to run it:

def run_agent(program):
    time = 0
    yield_result = None
    while True:
            yielded = generator.send(yield_result)

            if isinstance(yielded, Log):
                yield_result = None
            if isinstance(yielded, GetTime):
                yield_result = time

            time += 1
        except StopIteration as ex:
            return ex.value

# Prints
0 -> 0
1 -> 2
2 -> 4
3 -> 6
4 -> 8
5 -> 10
6 -> 12
7 -> 14
8 -> 16
9 -> 18

We can separate execution of individual action from running an entire computation:

class State(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.time = 0

# Runs a single action against the current state.
# Returns a new state and the result of the action.
def run_one(state: State, action):
    time = state.time
    state.time += 1
    if isinstance(action, Log):
        return state, None
    elif isinstance(action, GetTime):
        return state, time

# Runs a generator against the given "action evaluation function".
def run_many(state: State, generator, evaluator):
    yield_result = None
    while True:
            yielded = generator.send(yield_result)
            state, yield_result = evaluator(state, yielded)
        except StopIteration as ex:
            return ex.value

run_many(State(), go(), run_one)

3. Inversion of inverted control

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Often you encounter APIs that have so-called "inversion of control" - you are not controlling the main loop of the application, some other piece of code is, and you are supposed to handle "incoming events" using a fixed set of callbacks:

class Handler:
    def on_event1(self, event1): pass
    def on_event2(self, event2): pass
    def on_event3(self, event3): pass


This is a fairly common but annoying design. Some of the issues with this design:

  • All communication between callbacks has to be done through a mutable state defined on the Handler.
  • Transitions between fundamentally different logical states have to be handled through some sort of hierarchy of state machines and handlers delegating messages down that hierarchy.
  • Logic is spread out across multiple different callbacks. The higher the granularity of the callbacks, the more spread-out it is.

Can we "re-invert" control flow in such a situation? Indeed we can, with the use of monadic generator DSLs:

# The only action necessary for our example.
Wait = namedtuple('Wait', '')

class Wrapper(Handler):
    def __init__(self, generator):
        self.generator = generator
        # Make generator progress to the first yield.
    def on_event1(self, event1):
    def on_event2(self, event2):
    def on_event3(self, event3):

def go():
    # Imperative style loop without inversion of control.
    while True:
        event = yield Wait()
        if isinstance(event, Event1): ...
        elif isinstance(event, Event2): ...
        elif ...: ...
